Kindie Korner Adventures

Pink Shirt Day

Wednesday February 28th is Pink Shirt Day (or Anti Bullying day) and this year we, as a school are placing an order for special pink shirts.  An order form is coming home today with your child.  If you would like to order a shirt for your child, please return the order form and payment to me by Friday, January 28.  Shirts are $8 each and come in a variety of sizes as described on the order form.  Let me know if you have any questions!

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Polar Bear Inquiry Update

Yesterday we continued our quest to help the polar bears.  We started by investigating the polar bear’s habitat and, after much discussion and research (we looked in some books and at a globe), discovered that polar bears live in the Arctic and that that is at the top of the globe!  We also learned that polar bears live where there is ice, snow, water and the temperature is cold.  We learned about some animals that also live in the Arctic.  We have a lot more to learn in order to help the polar bears, but we are off to a great start!

PS  Did you know that penguins do not live in the Arctic?  They live in the Antarctic!


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Reminder for tomorrow

We are going to Wayland Sports tomorrow to participate in some gymnastics activities.

Please send your child in comfy play clothes and ensure they have a water bottle to bring along.


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