Kindie Korner Adventures


Today we visited the Library for the first time!  Mrs Britz, the librarian, gave us a library book bag and we got to choose 2 books to take home.  Please keep these books safe.  Book return days are Mondays.  If there is no school on a Monday due to holiday or Professional Day etc, books will simply stay home until the following Monday.

Happy reading!

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Seesaw emails

Hi everyone!

I have connected each students’ seesaw journal to an email that you provided the school.  If there are other email addresses you would like added to your child’s journal (other parent, grandparent etc), please let me know and I can add their email to your student’s journal.  Anyone with the email link would have access to the photos and information in your child’s journal.  There is no requirement to add extra people, I just thought some of you might want a way to share with others what your kiddos are up to in class.

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Field Trip- Greendale Acres

On Tuesday, Sept 26 both kindie classes will be going to Greendale Acres Farm.  We will be travelling by bus.

There is a mistake on the field trip form that is coming home today (yes Kindies, even Mrs Larsson makes mistakes sometimes).  The top of the paper states the correct date, but the bottom is incorrect.  Please note Tuesday Sept 26 is our field trip date.  Sorry about that!

Students will be able to wear play clothes and we are asking that they dress for the weather (appropriate footwear and outerwear depending on the weather that day).

Looking forward to our first field trip of the year!

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