Kindie Korner Adventures

Happy Mother’s Day


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Your Tower Creations!

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You Did It!

You did it!  Week 4 is in the books.  I hope you are beginning to feel like you are getting into some semblance of a routine at home.  I know juggling kids, home, work and so much more can feel like such an impossible task.  You are all superheroes!  It was SO much fun coming to see you all this past week.  The smiles warmed my heart so much.  I hope you and your kiddos know how loved you are.

Just a few notes about next week:

SMALL GROUP MEETS:  I think it might be fun to try having some small group meetings!  On Monday morning I will open up a google meet link:

girls will meet from 10-10:30

boys will meet from 10:30-11:00

If it works for you to join us, for some, or all of your time that would be great!  Come prepared with something for show and tell.  I would love to give each child an opportunity to show their friends something special.  Be prepared to say something about your item (where did you get it?  why is it special to you? etc)  I have no idea how successful this will be, but let’s give it a try!   As sound can be challenging in the meetings, especially with large groups, I would ask that you try to be mindful of that with background noises etc.  I believe I can mute microphones from my end of the meeting, but I don’t know that I can unmute them.  I would rather not have to mute them, but it will be a bit of an experiment.

Also, next week during our weekly individual meetings, I would love for your child to have the green spelling duotang with them so that we can try to do some work in there together.  Please have that ready, along with a pencil and an eraser.


And now (insert drum roll) for your viewing pleasure:  Your Favorite Stuffy Video!


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