Kindie Korner Adventures

Next Week- Full Days!

We have been doing so well catching on to the routines of Kindergarten so far.  Next week we start full days of school and there are so many more things for us to do and learn.  We will be going to Library and Music and also eating lunch at school as well as having rest time together.  Here are some things you might need to know for a successful first week of full days:

  1. Pillow- your child should have their pillow at school by Monday so that it is ready for rest time which we will have every day after lunch.
  2. Lunch- we will be eating lunch at school.  There are no food allergies listed for our class – YAY!  Please continue to be thoughtful about how much help your child will need opening food items.  During eating time, it’s just me in here with the students and if we have spills I need to go get a mop, clean up, as well as help students with things.  It can get a bit crazy at times!
  3. Gym Shoes- if your child hasn’t already brought their gym shoes to school, please ensure they do on Monday.
  4. TERRY FOX- We will be collecting Toonies for Terry (Terry Fox Run fundraiser) all week next week.  Please consider sending in a toonie for cancer research.  We will be having a short lesson on Terry Fox and doing a bit of running in the gym together.
  5. Pick Up- Kindie students will continue to be picked up at the same spot outside but pick up will be at 2:55.  Please continue to be prompt and patient.  The parking lot will be significantly busier at the end of the day than at noon pick up.  I will do my best to dismiss your child to you quickly, but it can be very overwhelming to try to remember who belongs with whom at this point in the year, so please be patient with me as I figure it out.  Thank you!
  6. Weather- the forecast is for rain next week- children will most likely be going out to play even though it is rainy.  Please send them with appropriate clothing.

I think that’s all I need to remind you of right now.  Thank you so much for your help getting the year off to a great start!

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