Kindie Korner Adventures

Food Drive

Our Food Drive has begun!  We are working together as a school to raise a total of 15, 000 points this year!  The following items have a 5 point value, all other items will be given 1 point.  The Salvation Army is asking that we not send Mr. Noodles packets as they crumble and fall apart too easily.

5 Point Items:



-canned lunches (aphaghetti, ravioli etc)

-peanut butter

-canned soup

-canned vegetables


-canned fruit

-chunky soup

-granola bars (3 points PER granola bar!)

-juice boxes (3 points PER juice box!)

Last Friday we had a visit from Mrs Robinson who works for Cyrus Centre and she told us that supporting the Food Drive helps hungry people in Chilliwack, through the Salvation Army and Cyrus Centre.  We can help feed people in our community by bringing in these items for the food bank.  Thanks for your help!

As an incentive for our students, if we are able to reach our goal, students will have a half day of school on our first Friday back in January!

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