Kindie Korner Adventures

Memory Verse for November/December

As a primary department we will be focusing on the Christmas story and learning some scripture from Luke 2.

Kindergarten will be learning:

Luke 2:10-11

10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. 11 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.


Please help your child practice at home!

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October Curriculum Update

Here’s a brief snapshot of what we have been working on in October:

Social/Emotional Skills:

-Continuing to work on expected/unexpected behavior

-Identifying the 4 zones of Regulation

-Realizing that our feelings are like the weather and they can change throughout the day

-Using a breathing strategy when we find that we are not in the green zone (holding up a hand in front of us and pretending it is our birthday cake- taking a deep smell of our cake, and then blowing out the first candle, taking another big breath in through our nose, and blowing out the next candle etc)



-Dice games (1 or 2 dice)

-Representing numbers in different ways (ten frames, tally marks, dominoes, dice, pictures, number lines etc)

-Printing numerals

-Identifying numerals 0-10

-ABC patterns


Language Arts:

-All single letter phonograms have now been introduced and will continue to be reviewed

-Beginning sounds in words

-Rhyming words

-Letter formation

-Demonstrating good listening skills



-Thankfulness- story of Hannah, story of Samaritan woman at the well

-Memory Verse- Psalm 23:1



-Rules in our classroom community

-Life cycle of apples and pumpkins



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November Dates

Here are some important dates for you to know about for the month of November

November 10- Remembrance Day Assembly 10:30

November 11- Remembrance Day- no school

November 15,16,17- Scholastic Book Fair

November 16- Parent Teacher Interviews (no school for students)

November 23- Jersey day (wear a jersey for your favorite sports team)

November 25- Professional Development Day- no school


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Parent Teacher Interviews

We have been so busy learning in Kindergarten and I have been enjoying getting to know your children this fall.  In November we have the opportunity to sit down together and talk about all that your child has been doing and learning.  Please follow the link below and sign up for a time to come and meet with me.  If November 16 doesn’t work for you, please let me know via email and we can try to arrange another time to get together.  Please note these meetings are for parents only.



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We are Collecting!

Hi Parents!

We are collecting some items to use in our classroom for various STEAM challenges (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) and would love it if you could help us.  If you have any of the following items in the next while and would be willing to send them to us so we can use them in the classroom, we would be so appreciative!

-TP tubes

-vegetable netting (mesh type bag that onions come in)

-egg cartons


-clean and empty applesauce cups


Thank you!

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Outdoor Learning Tomorrow

Reminder to all of you who are attending school tomorrow that it is Thursday and we will be going outside in the afternoon for some outdoor learning.  Please dress for the weather.  We may be walking across the grass and with the rain, it has the potential to be quite wet.

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Number Books and Phonogram Books

Some of us have completed our number printing and clock phonogram printing books and will be bringing them home.  Please know these have been practice books.  They are not perfection.  Take a look through at see what your child may need some practice with at home.

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Missions Fundraiser

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One more thing for Tuesday!

Sorry I forgot to mention:

Because we will be on our Field Trip over the lunch hour, Mrs Morris and I will be letting the students eat BEFORE an AFTER our trip, in our classroom.  If your child has pizza ordered for lunch, please note they won’t be receiving that until we return from our field trip.  You may want to consider sending along some extra food for them to eat before we go.

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Notes for Tuesday- please read!

Tuesday is a busy day for us in Kindergarten.  It is photo retake day AND our field trip to Greendale Acres.  PLEASE NOTE, if you would like your child to have school photos taken tomorrow they MUST be in their uniform.  In order for this to happen and still have your child ready in play clothes for our field trip, we are asking you to take your child to get their photo retakes done first thing in the morning (8:50) in their uniform and then help them change into play clothes after for our field trip.  If your child is not in their uniform, their photos will not be taken.  If your child does not require photo retakes, please just send your child to school in play clothes.

It also looks like rain is in the forecast for tomorrow.  Please make sure your child is dressed for the weather (boots, rain jacket etc) and consider sending dry clothes for them to put on after if they are able to do this independently.  Please also send along a plastic bag (or reusable shopping bag) with your child’s name on it so they can put their pumpkin in it after they have selected it.  If you can help stuff this into their jacket pocket, that would be great!

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