Kindie Korner Adventures

100 Day Information

Here is some information for you for our 100th day of school on Feb 21!


What will I look like when I am 100?  That is the question for the children to answer.  We are dressing up to show what we think we will look like when we are 100!  There are lots of ideas online if you are looking for some inspiration.  (Contrary to popular belief we will not be dressing up as Elsa or Spiderman)


On 100 day I am asking each child to bring in a collection of 100 small objects to show the class. These objects can be collected and brought in in a ziploc or something similar OR your child could choose to use the objects to create something (ie, 100 cheerios on a string to make a necklace).  Please be sure to send collections to school on or before Feb 21.

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