Kindie Korner Adventures

Memory Verse Re-do

Because less than 1/4 of the class was able to confidently recite their memory verse today, we will try this one again.  Students will have until next Tuesday, November 12 to recite the following verse:

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Philippians 4:13

Learning these memory verses is really the only homework your child has at this point.  Students will continue to be given memory verses as they move up the grades, and they get increasingly lengthy.  It shouldn’t take more than 5 minutes a day to go over Kindergarten verses with your child.  Please take the time to invest in this with them.

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Important Change and addition

Due to our Remembrance Day Assembly on Friday, our Knight day is cancelled on November 8 and students will need to wear their uniforms.

We are also adding a Western Dress Up day on November 20!  Get your cowboy hats and boots ready!

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