Kindie Korner Adventures

Knight Shirts!

Today each kindie left school with a special gift from Highroad- a Knight Shirt of their very own!  These shirts can be worn once a month on our Knight Days.  These shirts can be worn in conjunction with jeans or other casual bottoms.  If students do not wish to wear their Knight shirt on Knight Day, they will need to wear their uniform.


Working Together

There are so many things for us to learn at the beginning of Kindergarten!  So far we have learned how to use sign language to let the teacher know when we need the washroom, and we know what to do when the teacher needs our attention.  We know where to find our lockers, our cubbies and where we can play on the playground.  We are packing our own bags at the end of the day and we have done a lot of counting.  We are getting very good at these things!

One of the things we worked really hard on today was being kind.  For some of us, this was really easy, but for some of us, we needed some reminders.  It is very important for me that my kindergarten friends feel safe.  Today we talked a lot about keeping our hands to ourselves, and we used the analogy that everyone has a bubble around them.  We need to be careful not to pop anyone’s bubble.  During centre time today there was a lot of bubble-popping happening.  We also talked about using kind words and how important that is.  I would appreciate it so much if, at some point in the next few days, you could have a little discussion with your kindergarten student about this as well.  If we all work together, our kindergarten classroom can be a place where everyone feels welcomed, loved, respected and safe.

Thanks so much!

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